Cash is tight if you are struggling financially. The money you earn in your paycheck may not cover all of your expenses. Even worse, your financial situation may be in a tailspin if a creditor has obtained a judgment against you and is garnishing your wage. Even if only a small part of your pay is being garnished it may be enough to sink your already faltering financial boat. Filing for bankruptcy can stop a wage garnishment and may even help you recover some of the money that has been seized. Omaha, Nebraska bankruptcy lawyer Burke Smith is ready to help you stop a wage garnishment. Call our office today.
Nebraska lawyers preventing creditors from garnishing client wages
If a creditor has received a judgment against you then they are likely to get permission from a judge to seize up to 25% of your paycheck from your employer. They may continue to garnish your wages until your debt has been settled. When you file for bankruptcy, an automatic stay immediately takes effect. This means that your creditors can no longer attempt to collect money from you, and if they have a judgment filed, they can no longer garnish your wages. Once your bankruptcy is finished, the debt will be discharged and you will no longer owe the money for which you were being garnished, and your creditors will never be allowed to attempt to garnish wages from you again.
Our Nebraska bankruptcy lawyers will aggressively protect you against a wage garnishment. In addition to stopping additional pay from being garnished, we may be able to recover money seized from you within 90 days prior to the bankruptcy. Burke Smith practice exclusively in the areas of bankruptcy and consumer protection and empathize with their clients. We understand that you work hard for your money and, at a time when many people are struggling, you need every cent you can get. Energy prices and food costs have been climbing for years and you do not need a wage garnishment added on top of it. Contact our Omaha office immediately if you are being subjected to a wage garnishment.
Omaha bankruptcy attorneys providing options and ongoing service
Filing for bankruptcy is a stressful time. We understand this is not a decision you are making lightly. Our attorneys are committed to carefully explaining your options to you, answering your questions, and helping you arrive at the decision that makes the most sense for your financial future. We include credit restoration counseling as well as ongoing support once your case is finished so life after bankruptcy is better than before. Our lawyers do more than just fill out paperwork- they care about you. Call our office today.