Debt collection agencies are in the business of collecting on defaulted debts. When those debts are consumer or household debts and the debtor is a person, then the third party debt collector must abide by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Taking abusive, harassing or illegal steps to collect the debt violates the law and entitles you to damages. Such tactics include calling friends or family members persistently, calling you at work even after you’ve told them you cannot accept personal calls, making numerous and harassing phone calls at home, just to name a few. Of course threats of action that are illegal or that the collector has no intention of taking also violate the FDCPA. Omaha, Nebraska attorney Burke Smith has devoted his career to protecting consumers and is ready to assist you against illegal debt collection practices.
Nebraska attorneys who protect you against debt collector abuse
When a bill collector calls, it is important to remember that you are entitled to be treated with truth, dignity, fairness and respect in all your dealings with the debt collector. If you’re not and the collector violates the FDCPA you are entitled to statutory damages of up to $1,000 and actual damages if they can be proven.
It is illegal for a debt collector to threaten violence, harm, or use obscene or abusive language while attempting to collect a debt. Collectors are prohibited from calling you numerous times a day or causing your phone to ring “off-the-hook” to coerce you to pay a debt. Debt collectors are also required to provide truthful information and are not allowed to pose as attorneys or government officials. If a debt collector has crossed the line into harassing, abusive or dishonest behavior, you do not have to endure the abuse. Contact an attorney immediately.
Our Nebraska lawyers will enforce the laws against abusive debt collection. The FDCPA provides that if a debt collector violates the law, then the debt collector pays your attorney’s fees and costs. Because of this, our clients do not pay any out of pocket costs for us to represent them in their FDCPA case. If you have been abused by debt collectors then call our Omaha office today.
What to do if you are being harassed by creditors
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects debtors from debt collectors who use unfair, untrue, undignified or disrespectful actions in collecting debts from consumers. Many people in debt often feel powerless in these types of situations, and might not realize they can take action against abusive behavior. You may be entitled to money for damages incurred, reimbursement for attorney’s fees, and court costs as well as statutory damages of up to $1,000. If you have been harassed by a debt collector, Burke Smith can help you determine what actions to take to protect your rights. Contact our office today and learn about your options.