Out of control credit card debt is a common reason for many people to seek bankruptcy. High interest rates can often become overwhelming, and fielding angry phone calls from debt collectors is often stressful. Nebraska bankruptcy lawyer Burke Smith can help you decide if filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 is the right decision for you. Call our Omaha office today and learn more about the options that are available to you.
Omaha, Nebraska bankruptcy attorneys helping clients weigh the pros and cons of erasing credit card debt
Nebraska residents may deal with credit card debt through either a chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. Both of these options provide a financial fresh start to those struggling with credit card debt. A chapter seven will eliminate your monthly payments completely. If a chapter 13 is either better suited to your situation or you are otherwise required to file under that chapter, any unpaid balance at the end of your plan is discharged and you have no liability on that debt. Furthermore, each of these options may actually improve your credit over the long term. After filing for bankruptcy your debt to income level will be greatly improved and this increases the likelihood of your obtaining credit. An increased ability to gain credit makes life after bankruptcy better than many people otherwise believe. Contact our Omaha office today to speak with lawyers Burke Smith.
At your initial consultation we will analyze your situation and help you determine if bankruptcy is your best option or not, Once retained, our attorneys will handle speaking to creditors or debt collectors who attempt to contact you as the case moves forward. Filing your case will allow you to start saving money almost immediately as you will typically stop making monthly credit card payments right away. At the 341 meeting, otherwise known as “the meeting of creditors,” we will represent you in the event that any creditors wish to attend and dispute discharging the debt or to otherwise challenge your bankruptcy. In short, the sooner you begin the process then the sooner you will reach financial freedom. Contact us online or by telephone today.
Omaha lawyers helping individuals move on from credit card debt
Our office will assist you throughout the bankruptcy process. We will take steps to stop creditor harassment and our services include assistance with credit restoration after bankruptcy. Our Omaha attorneys practice in these areas because they believe strongly in protecting the rights of Nebraska consumers. Several other financial problems can also be eliminated through this process. We can assist with eliminating debt from medical bills, taxes, and a host of other issues. Life has enough stresses and dealing with unpayable debt should not be one of them.