The consumer protection attorneys of Burke Smith Law deal with areas which impact people in a very personal way. We understand that financial stress can wreak havoc on one’s life. Unmanageable debt is often a major factor in divorce, depression, anxiety, lack of job security and a host of other issues. Being burdened with debt can wreck your long term goals and the sooner you get out from under your current situation then the sooner you can get your life back on track. Our attorneys handle all aspects of your case personally so when you hire Burke Smith Law you can rest assured that you will be dealing with your lawyer and not with a staff member or paralegal. How smoothly your case proceeds will have a dramatic impact on your life and we will be there to guide you today. Call our Omaha, Nebraska office today.
Aggressive bankruptcy attorneys protecting Nebraska citizens
Attorney Burke Smith will assist you at all stages of your case. This includes making the decision of whether you should file for Nebraska bankruptcy. Assuming it is in your best interests to file, we will help you navigate the means test which can have an impact on whether you are eligible to file under Chapter 7 or whether you must file under Chapter 13. We will attend the bankruptcy trustee meeting with you to ensure that it goes smoothly and to defend you against any creditors that may wish to challenge the discharge of your debts. Issues that can resolved through the process include:
- Medical bills
- Credit card debt
- Mortgage & foreclosure
- Wage garnishment
- Bank account seizure
- Tax issues
- Student loans
We understand the impact these kinds of issues can have on your life. Find out how the bankruptcy code can protect your property, checking and savings accounts, wages and 401(k) and IRA. Many people needlessly lose assets or pay much more by putting off bankruptcy. Our Omaha office is here to help.
Omaha lawyers protecting Nebraska citizens against debt collection
We are adamant about preventing debt collection harassment. The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act protects you against harassment from bill collectors. If collection agencies are violating your rights we may be able to bring a lawsuit on your behalf. The laws protecting you in this area are “fee shifting” which means that your attorney’s fees are paid by the very bill collectors harassing you. We also can assist you with debt lawsuit defense as any case filed against you is stopped as part of a bankruptcy. You have rights and they need to be protected. Call today.