Attorneys Dealing With Nebraska Mortgages, Foreclosures, and Bankruptcy

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The last few years have been bad for homeowners. Drops in housing prices have resulted in Nebraska citizens losing equity in their homes and being unable to pay their mortgages. Filing for bankruptcy may be a good option for those in danger of being foreclosed on. Omaha bankruptcy attorney Burke Smith will listen to your situation and help you decide what the best option is for you. Contact him today.

Nebraska attorneys helping residents stop foreclosure through chapter 13 bankruptcy

If you are behind on your mortgage then you may have been struggling to save your house for a long time. It is not uncommon for people to get behind on other debts while they try and make their mortgage payments. This can result in excessive credit card debt, and other obligations, in addition to your home being at risk of foreclosure. If you are behind on your mortgage payments and you want to keep your home, filing chapter 13 bankruptcy can help you achieve your goal. By analyzing your situation our bankruptcy attorneys can help you determine if you can keep your home, even if the mortgage holder has started the foreclosure process.

Bu you must act quickly, because if the mortgage holder is able to sell your home at auction, you will not be able to save the home through bankruptcy. If the auction date has not arrived, then bankruptcy can avert foreclosure.

Omaha attorneys eliminating second mortgages through chapter 13 bankruptcy

In some cases, a Nebraska resident may be able to not only save their house through chapter 13 bankruptcy but also “strip away” the extra obligations and leave you with just one mortgage. The bankruptcy can also be used to deal with obligations including the discharge of credit card debt, the discharge of medical bills, and stopping a wage garnishment. By assisting reducing your mortgage and helping you with these obligations the process may make keeping your home manageable. Our Omaha office is ready to assist you in filing a chapter 13 so you may keep your home. Contact our lawyers today.

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