Omaha Attorneys Discharging Medical Bills Through Bankruptcy

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I have yet to see a bankruptcy filed based solely on frivolous credit card spending. The rising cost of medical bills is the number one issue that causes people in America to file for bankruptcy- even more so as high deductibles combined with necessary medical treatment quickly becomes difficult for many Americans to manage. If you are buried in medical debt, know that you are not alone. Medical debt is effectively dealt with through the bankruptcy process. Contact Omaha bankruptcy attorney Burke Smith today and learn if filing for chapter 7 or chapter 13 is appropriate for you.

Omaha  attorney discharging medical debt through chapter 7 and chapter 13 bankruptcy

Unmanageable medical debt is one of the top three reasons why people file for bankruptcy. Often times, people have tried to keep up with their bills, but are faced with insurance plans that only pay a small fraction of services. Other times people are laid off from their jobs due to their health problems, and then in turn lose their insurance benefits. To make the situation worse, these people often pay medical bills by using credit cards. Those needing to eliminate medical debt and/or discharge credit card debt are likely a good candidate for either chapter 7 or chapter 13 bankruptcy. The medical debt is eliminated, and you will be able to start your life again financially free. Omaha bankruptcy attorney Burke Smith understands that when you have had a medical emergency or ongoing health problems, you have likely fought for your life or the life of your loved ones. You deserve to live your life without worrying about crushing medical bills. Contact our office today.

Omaha, Nebraska lawyers determining what medical debts you should include in bankruptcy and when you should file

It is common for people with medical bills to require ongoing treatment. Many worries that if they declare bankruptcy they will have difficulty acquiring the care they need. Our Omaha lawyers will help you understand your options for dealing with your Nebraska medical care providers. Call our office today to learn how the bankruptcy process can be used to deal with medical debt.

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