Nebraska Attorney Dealing With Debt Collection Harassment

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Chances are you feel anxious about your finances if you owe a significant amount of debt. Most people do not intend to leave their bills unpaid. A variety of circumstances, however, can result in out of control finances. Debt collectors may attempt to exploit you and make you feel as though you must pay them. Such is not the case. Federal law protects consumers from being harassed, abused, or deceived by debt collectors. As experienced Nebraska bankruptcy attorneys, we will enforce your rights and handle your debt collectors for you.

Omaha, Nebraska attorneys who inform clients of their legal rights when it comes to handling debt collectors

If a debt collector is alleging that you have an outstanding debt, it is important to know that you have rights they must abide by. Upon first contact, the collector must send you a written “validation notice,” informing you how much money you owe, who you owe the money to, and an explanation of what to do if you believe you have been contacted in error. If you do not owe the money, you have 30 days to send them a letter stating that you do not owe any money and asking for a verification of the debt. From this point the debt collector must stop contacting you until they are able to send you the written verification. If you do owe the debt, you may send a letter via certified mail to the collector requesting that they not contact you again. Sending the letter does not alleviate the debt, but it does prevent the debt collector from regularly contacting you. Unfortunately, many debt collectors choose to violate these requirements.

Our Omaha lawyers regularly assist Nebraska consumers who are victims of abusive debt collection practices. At your initial consultation, Burke Smith will explain the laws which protect you against illegal debt collection. If you are filing for bankruptcy we will inform your creditors that they are to contact us directly. If you are not filing for bankruptcy then there are a variety of remedies at your disposal and we may be able to sue the debt collectors, for wrongful harassment, on your behalf. Contact our offices today to schedule your initial consultation.

Our Omaha, Nebraska attorneys can speak to debt collectors on your behalf so you do not have to

Once you hire an attorney, debt collectors are legally required to speak to your attorney about all debts, and can no longer contact you. Because debt collectors may try to contact your friends, family, and contact you at your place of work, this may be an appealing option. Burke is able to take over the burden of speaking to debt collectors on their client’s behalf. Debt collectors may do whatever they can within legal means to intimidate you into paying a debt. They do not want you to file for bankruptcy and may attempt to dissuade you from it. We are here to help our clients understand there are other options. Do not suffer from harassment by debt collectors. Contact our office today.


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