Nebraska Attorneys Protecting Bank Accounts and Property During the Bankruptcy Process

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People assume that they will have access to their money when they deposit it into a bank. However, if you owe outstanding debts to creditors, there is a chance your account can be seized and your funds will be used to pay off a debt. Also, some financial institutions will automatically freeze your bank account if you file for bankruptcy. Burke Smith and Dana Ulrich are experienced bankruptcys attorney who can assist you if your account has already been seized, help you prepare for bankruptcy if you are concerned about seizure, and can help you make the decision that is right for you. If your bank account is in danger, do not wait. Call our Omaha, Nebraska lawyers today.

Attorneys who can assist when an Omaha, Nebraska resident’s bank account has been frozen

It is a horrible experience to go to an ATM for a withdrawal only to find out that your bank account has been seized. This may happen if you have outstanding debts to creditors. If a judgement has been entered against you then a creditor has a right to confiscate your funds. If this has happened to you, or is in danger of happening to you, filling for bankruptcy immediately may be able to help. Once you file for bankruptcy, your bank accounts and other property are protected by the automatic stay. This prevents creditors from attempting to collect money from you. Also, as with wage garnishment, any money or property seized within 90 days prior to your bankruptcy can often be recovered.

The bankruptcy attorneys at our Omaha, Nebraska office are able to protect you against bank account or property seizure. Should any creditors attempt to dispute your bankruptcy at the Trustee Meeting then we will aggressively protect your interests. If you require a financial reboot then you have options available. Contact our office today.

Attorneys who provide pre-bankruptcy planning prior to filing in Nebraska

Creditors are not the only agencies legally allowed to seize your accounts. If you owe money to your banking institution, your bank is legally able to freeze your account (or “set-off” your account) immediately once you have filed for bankruptcy. In actuality, the bank may freeze your account even if you do not owe them money. Some banks do so as part of their regular policy. We will inform you if your bank is likely to freeze your account once bankruptcy is filed then we will help you plan accordingly to preserve your funds. In short, we will ensure that your money remains protected.


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