Should You File a Nebraska Bankruptcy?

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Whether or not to begin a bankruptcy proceeding is a question that many people struggle with. These same people are surprised to learn that obtaining financial freedom is not as difficult as they first thought. The fact of the matter is that, for many, the sooner you consult with an attorney then the sooner you will learn that you can afford to begin the process. Also, beginning the process means you will start to save money, re-establish your credit, stop harassment by debt collectors, and protect your financial freedom. If you are a Nebraska resident needing a fresh financial start then contact our Omaha bankruptcy attorneys today.

Nebraska residents who consult with our attorneys learn that bankruptcy is affordable and good for their credit

Nebraskans may be in financial distress but do not call a lawyer. They tell themselves “I can’t afford to hire a lawyer.” The truth is that bankruptcy is affordable and typically results in restoring your credit rating much sooner than if you don’t file.

The reasons for affordability are simple. In a chapter 7 bankruptcy you can eliminate many of your monthly payments. In a chapter 13 bankruptcy your monthly payments will typically be $100-$150 per month, which is much lower than what people typically pay on their debt. The reduction or elimination of monthly payments makes the process affordable. If you are making high monthly payments then one option is to skip those payments and use the funds to start your bankruptcy. Also, the longer you wait to file then the longer you are subjected to situations such as wage garnishment, liability for unpaid taxes, and responsibility for unpaid mortgages. Contact our Omaha bankruptcy attorneys today.

Bankruptcy can also restore your credit more quickly than if you don’t file. After your debts have been discharged then you will have a fresh start and your debt-to-income level will be ideal. Also, the bankruptcy will be removed from your credit reports after ten years, while consistently making your debt payments late because you have not filed for bankruptcy, can harm your credit for much longer. The sooner you file then the sooner you achieve a financial reboot.

Filing for bankruptcy can help Nebraska residents stop harassment while protecting their freedom

Filing for bankruptcy can both stop creditor harassment and ensure that your freedom is not placed at risk. As your Omaha bankruptcy lawyers, we will begin taking those annoying calls from debt collectors. Furthermore, we aggressively protect the rights of consumers against debt collection harassment and will take action if your rights have been violated. Also, if you continue to be behind on your bills then there is a real chance that one of your creditors will gain a judgment against you. If you fail to appear for a judgment debtor exam then a warrant may be issued for your arrest. By filing for bankruptcy all collections actions currently pending against you will be put on hold. Contact our Nebraska office today to begin the process.

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