Federal and State Laws Protecting Nebraska Consumers

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There are a number of federal and state laws that protect Nebraska citizens from illegal debt collection activity, untruthful debt and credit reporting as well as just plain annoying and disruptive phone calls to your cell phone. The good news is that you do not have go through bankruptcy to be protected from these unfair and harassing actions. All individuals, whether going through bankruptcy or not, can and should take full advantage of the federal and state laws that protect them from the illegal actions taken by creditors, debt collectors as well as telemarketers. Understanding how these laws work with each other as well as with the bankruptcy code, helps you make an informed decision on whether or when to file for bankruptcy protection.

Anti-harassment laws provide Nebraskans rights against aggressive debt collectors

The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) protects consumers from harassing or abusive debt collectors. If a bill collector treats you in an unfair, untrue, undignified or disrespectful manner regarding a consumer or personal/household debt, then they have most likely violated the FDCPA and you are entitled to up to $1,000.00 in statutory damages. If you did suffer actual damages (such as loss of job, hours at work, medical expenses, emotional distress due to abusive conduct, etc.) and you can prove them, then you are entitled to compensation for those as well.

In 1991 Congress passed one of its most popular laws, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) which restricts telephone solicitations and the use of automated telephone equipment. This is the law which made junk faxes illegal, started the Do Not Call List, as well as making it illegal to robo-dial consumer’s cell phones.

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (the FCRA) is legislation which helps protect Nebraska consumers from incorrect or false credit information, as well as limiting how long your credit history can hurt your credit report. If there is incorrect or false information on your credit report and it is not removed or corrected after notification, the law says you are entitled to compensation by the offending party. You have rights and choices; Burke Smith is able to help you make a decision that makes sense for you.

Put an end to poor credit scores by getting a fresh start.

Many people worry about their credit score following a bankruptcy. It is common for people to fear that they will always have bad credit and won’t be able to recover for 10 years or more. However, that is simply not the case. While a bankruptcy will remain on your credit report for up to ten years, you can transform your credit within 12 to 24 months, even after a bankruptcy, by following the advice given by the folks at 720 Credit Score. They have helped thousands of people, many of whom had filed bankruptcy. The course they offer costs $1,000, but Burke Smith Law is able to offer it to our clients for free, as part of our initial consultation. Our attorneys look out for you and help you recover from past problems as well as provide guidance to a future life with transformed credit. Contact our office today.

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